Demo Personality / Behavioural Questionnaire
This test measures the key personality traits which collectively comprise a person’s character, temperament and behavioural preferences, in line with the Big 5 model of personality. This questionnaire will take around 25 minutes to complete.
Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe yourself as honestly as you can.
For each statement please indicate whether you:
1) Strongly Disagree with the statement as a description of you;
2) Disagree with the statement as a description of you;
3) Slightly Disagree with the statement as a description of you;
4) Neither Agree nor Disagree with the statement as a description of you;
5) Slightly Agree with the statement as a description of you;
6) Agree with the statement as a description of you;
7) Strongly Agree with the statement as a description of you.
Once you have answered each question, you will be presented with a very short demographic questionnaire.
Upon completion of the demographic questionnaire, you will receive your results on the personality traits measured in this questionnaire.
Please note: This example is not one of the real tests we administer; this example is here only to let candidates familiarise themselves with the sort of tests they may face during the selection process. To discuss the real tests please contact us
When you are ready, press “start” to begin the questionnaire